Hello folks who wonder if carb conscious people ever break bread,

We live an easy life. Easy there, Karan, watch where you are treading.

We have stopped appreciating the basic gifts in life. Final warning, Karan, there is no turning beyond this point. Many have perished fighting this fight.

The only time we realize the things we take for granted is when they are taken away from us.

When was the last time you felt gratitude for your trusty toilet? Yet one clog and we complain for days.

We expect hot showers for a minimum 15 minutes daily, but grumble on social media if the water heats slowly.

When was the last time you took a moment to stop and truly see the beauty around...

Enough with this nonsense, Karan. We are not here to listen to your Thanksgiving speech. Stop talking and show us some moving pictures, that is what this audience is here for.

Sigh. Okay.

What I mean to say is that in the obsessive quest for rare bird species, people often overlook the magnificence of more common birds they encounter daily.

Take the humble American Coot - the ultimate test of a birder. Novices thrill at sighting coots on local lakes, captivated by their striking monochrome plumage. Yet seasoned experts hardly spare a glance or photo, deeming them far too ordinary among myriad exotic birds worldwide.

But to discount the coot ignores its uniqueness. (You can read a previous post about why not to dismiss the coots here)

Coots are notoriously aggressive birds, constantly fighting over territory and resources. They engage in fierce aquatic battles to establish dominance.

A common tactic sees coots bitch slapping their rival. They aggressively tilt and drift, attempting to force their opponent under in a show of supremacy.

These unruly birds grapple and thrash about, seeking to overpower each other.

Too violent for my taste. Let's move on. Let's look at something that is perceived as aggressive but in reality is anything but.

Every year, hordes of male desert tarantulas from across the bay venture out from their shelters, embarking on an epic adventure. This brief window of opportunity every year is your best bet to milk this tarantula for likes on social media.

Take a look at me, leading by example.

Picking up this Tarantula is akin to dealing with a toddler who has just learned to walk and won't stay still. So, I had to let it go 😞

Despite the notion that these tarantulas are the big bad wolves of the spider world, these ones are docile and do not mind you handling them provided you are gentle with them. The other thing that works in your favor is that they have a tunnel vision at this time of the year since the male tarantulas have their sights set on just one thing.

Let me give you a hint. It's a three letter word.

S - A - X

sigh! Karan's parents really should have helped him get ready for the spelling bee in school.

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acorns adventure adventures algae alligator american crow ant cricket ants aphids aquatic snails arachnids argentine ants bananas bark beetles barklice barnacles bats beaver bees beetle beetles bird lice birds black-tailed deer bloodworms bristletail bug bugs bumblebee butterflies calicoflower canada goose cardinal carpenter bees carrots caterpillars cave centipede cockroaches coot corvids court case crabs crawfish crayfish cricket crickets crow crustaceans damselflies death deer diatoms dock dragonflies earwigs eggs egrets elephant seals eucalyptus european starlings eyes farallon island ferns fingerprints fishes flea flies floods florida flowers fly freshwater snail frog frogs fundraiser fungus fungus-eating lady beetles galls gannet geckos geese goats goldfinch gophers grasshopper green dock beetle green heron green lacewing guest post gull gulls harvestmen hawks herons hike history honeybees house sparrows india insects isopods jumping bristletails jumping spiders juncos katydid kayak lacewing lady beetles land snails leaf miners leafhopper lice lichens lizard lizards lynx spider maggots Magpie mallow marsh megabats midges mildew millipede mites moles mosquito moths mouse spider nematodes nettles newt newts night nuthatches oaks owl paper wasps parasite part 2 pavement ants pelicans pigeons pill bugs plants pocket gophers pollen pollination pollinators poppy praying mantis pseudopupil pupa quail rabbits rat roach roadkill rove beetles salamander salmon sandpiper scat scorpion Scorpions sea lions sea otters seals seeds shorebird shrimp silverfish skunk snails snakes social media solifuges sparrows spider spiders springtails squirrel squirrels starlings stilts stinger sun spiders surf scoter swallows tarantula termites thrips ticks towhees trees turkey turkey vulture turtle venom vernal pool vultures warblers wasps water boatmen webspinners whales wildflower wolf spider woodpeckers Wren wrens yellow jackets youtube

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