Hello folks who wonder about the absence of greasy food options in cannabis dispensaries,

We could all use a break. With so many disturbing things going on around us, we have literally reached burnout. The constant negative news and feeling of helplessness is exhausting.

Just as I was absorbing the news that Sierra Lemon-Lime soda was discontinued this year, I was hit with not one or two, but three back-to-back blows. First, they banned the 1-chip challenge, a feat I had yet to attempt 😪. Then, as if shattering my morale wasn't enough, Taco Bell decided to bid farewell to the Quesarito, and Denny's, in a surprising move, stopped serving the Beyond Burger. I treated all of them as family. Sigh. 😔

Losing my comfort foods in rapid succession felt like a series of body blows, draining my morale. It leaves me wondering, what's left to enjoy in life if you keep taking away the little things that make life flavorful?

Then, I stumbled upon one of humanity's greatest joys - the spark that keeps me alive, the motivation to jump out of bed each morning, the source of my grin when I hear it.


The art of gossip often goes overlooked as a skill not taught in schools, yet there's an expectation for everyone to excel at it. Gossip can be a source of entertainment, offering a glimpse into the lives of others and providing a break from the routine. It acts as an escape from personal worries and allows us to focus on other people's problems, thus providing a temporary relief from our own concerns. Despite all these benefits, none of the doctors recommend gossip as a remedy for mental health. No wonder, no one trusts the healthcare in this country.

Hearing about the challenges or misfortunes of others provides a sense of comparative relief.

In today's post, let's take a peek at the misfortunes of some of the critters that share our neighborhood and feel good about our daily lives.

But before we do that, let's start with a palate cleanser.

People hate gnats. People hate spiders. But an enemy of my enemy is my friend, amirite?

Seen below is an Orbweaver spider chomping on several gnats that were caught in its web.

The Bay Area recently experienced its first significant showers of the year. True to form, on the first sunny day following the rains, the winged reproductive caste of western subterranean termites, known as alates, emerged from their colonies to swarm.

Even though these alates are not strong flyers, they will lift their wings to catch the wind and take to the air.

You can always pick one up and watch it take flight when the next gust of wind comes your way.

Lol, that was terrible. Let us give it another try.

Meh, that was nothing special. Gosh, tone down your expectations, alright? I told you they were not the strongest flyers, didn't I? Why do I have to keep repeating myself all the time. (Karan is just hangry while writing this post, please don't mind him)

Anyway, something the termite media never shows are the bloopers of this day. Because time is crucial on these special days when termites are seeking mates, using the singular colony entrance isn't practical due to the bottleneck. Instead, you'll observe them carving out their own exit.

The issue arises when multiple of them attempt to exit simultaneously, and none will step back. This leads to a deadlock, as shown below.

The lawn sprinklers activate shortly before sunrise. As a result, the water on the leaves of these exotic Ivy plants captures any winged termites that happen to be pushed towards the leaves by the wind.

Don't feel too bad for the ones whose journey ended right where it began. Only a handful will successfully form new termite colonies and feast on your pricey furniture.

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