Hello folks who wonder what kind of feelings would 90 year olds have when scientists finally discover how to stop aging,

Who doesn't like repetition? Just look at our daily lives these days:
Wake up -> Get a panic attack when reading about the rise in covid cases -> Get ready to go to the grocery store -> Give a stink eye to anyone not wearing masks -> Buy groceries -> Disinfect the groceries and yourself by taking a shower in chlorine bleach -> Complain how news is making everyone sick -> Sleep -> Repeat.

Similarly, there are some birds who will do the same thing in a loop without getting bored or frustrated. Take the example of a Black Phoebe from the flycatcher family. These birds can be commonly found near water sources and parks. They have a distinct routine of sitting on a perch -> spotting a meal from the perch -> swoop in for the kill -> attempt to catch it -> return to perch -> repeat.

So the next time you pass by a Black Phoebe, ask if it has plans for the day and silently judge it while it brags about going shopping with its friends and watching Netflix at night. And then you can grin and think to yourself "Sure you do, sure you do... I know you have nowhere to be." Leave the scene by politely saying "It was nice to meet you!".

​The characteristic pattern of ​having a black upper body and a white lower body makes me wonder if this is the classic case of this bird working from home for far too long.

​You hear people complaining these days that news is all doom and gloom. Take the example of the media talking about how the glaciers will melt and temperatures will get warmer and they make it look like there is no silver lining in this climate change crisis. I disagree, at least we won't have the next Titanic sinking due to the icebergs and also who doesn't want to make a trip to the North pole by simply packing a pair of shorts and their Hawaiian shirt while saving money on baggage fees. Humanity 1 Iceberg 1(this is from the point it had scored from sinking the Titanic).

Anyways, one thing that I have noticed is how movies take liberties in showing insects and their behavior. Take the example of the classic Spiderman movie and how a radioactive spider bites Peter Parker and this guy goes around town slinging web. You see, if you have ever observed spiders closely, they don't eject silk from their legs, it's from an organ called the spinneret which is located in the abdomen.

Below is a sheet weaver spider spinning its web to entice its next meal.

So instead of the classic spiderman swinging around town looking for bad guys to fight, like you have been brainwashed...

...the scenario would look more like this.

​So is all hope lost for humanity? Is this the final straw in the boba cup?
Stand back kids, presenting "Webspinners".
Webspinners ​are slender looking insects which will use their forelegs to spin webs in the places they live.
Below is a webspinner walking towards Sony pictures to sue them for incorrectly portraying spiderman.

And this ​is the section on their forelegs which produce those strands of silk.

So is that the only superpower it has? What will happen if aliens invade earth, will webspinners be able to save us?
Oh, I forgot there is another trick, that this creature hides in plain sight and unleashes when the time is right.
You see, when it senses danger in front of it, it can back up in full speed to get away from danger.
I see...I doubt that can save us from aliens, maybe it can make a clean getaway if it ever chooses to rob an insect bank.

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