Hello folks who wonder who is behind the conspiracy of making cauliflower a substitute for every single thing,

Let me ask you something.

Would you expect a mother who delivered a child 3 hours ago to walk the ramp at Paris Fashion week?

That is ridiculous, Karan. Giving birth is an intense physical process that can take a major toll on the mother's body. This is the time to rest, heal and spend time bonding with the baby. Anyone who says otherwise is clearly lacking compassion.

If that is so, then tell me why do people (Non-Tesla drivers aka peasants) give a hard time to Tesla drivers on the road? Some of the things people often groan about Tesla drivers are that they are always driving too fast, they are not paying attention, they park inconsiderately, they act entitled, they keep hogging the left lane and they constantly blind other drivers by using high beam at night.

To this I say, "Just leave them alone!". Tesla owners already did a favor for all the inhabitants of Planet Earth by driving a Tesla. Driving a Tesla is the only way we save the planet. These drivers are single-handedly reversing climate change as we speak. Driving a Tesla will save species from going extinct, they will deliver rains to drought struck regions, solve world poverty and hunger issues and end the war in Ukraine. So next time stop judging Tesla drivers who are driving recklessly and thank them for their service.

Sorry, just had to get that out of my system. I couldn't sleep for days when I heard people complaining about how we lack wildlife crossings, why we need to plant more native plants or why we need to stop using pesticides in our crops. Just had to roll my eyes every time I heard that when the solution was right in front of their eyes all along.

Anyways, one of the things that people always say to me when I handle critters in the wild is "Just leave them alone!" But then how would I see their fascinating behavior.

Case in point, is this wolf spider mom I came across during a recent night hike.

Now, if I had just left it alone, how would I observe the babies on her back getting restless when I shined my flashlight on them. It was as if you were sound asleep and someone turns on the light in your room.

Another hunter that becomes active at night is the California common scorpion. One way you can discover them is by using a UV/blacklight and observe them fluorescing under the ultraviolet light.

This is cool and all but it gets even more fascinating on closer inspection. The stingers are the most iconic body part of scorpions and are used to immobilize their prey or defend themselves against predators. But their design is what makes this design so ingenious.

Have you ever observed how they inject the vaccine or how people inject themselves to get high? It is always at an angle never injected straight. When a needle is injected at an angle it encounters less resistance from the tissue it is entering and secondly it allows more targeted delivery to the specific area.

A scorpions stinger design which mimics the hypodermic needle at an angle helps it to efficiently inject venom either into their prey or a curious naturalist.

And then, one of the most underappreciated body parts in scorpions are not the pinchers which it used to hold on to their prey, but their chelicerae. Chelicerae are modified pincher-like claws that help it to tear apart their prey body and ingest the small pieces.

Even through these scorpions look intimidating, they prefer to run away when faced with a threat rather than trying to sting.

But their cousin, another arachnid called the Sun spider will defend its turf aggressively.

Sun spider, also called camel spiders are technically not spiders, but carnivorous arachnids that lack the venom glands its scorpion cousins possess. But what they lack in venom they make up in spunk.

If you ever disturb one, it quickly bare their jaws wide and take an attacking stance.

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