Hello folks who wonder if some Monarch butterflies fly south to Mexico because they don't like the guacamole they get served at Taco Bell,

Everytime people see a yellow and black insect flying in the air, they always prepare for armageddon and run for their life. In those times, people always assume the worst and think it is a yellowjacket who was paid to get rid of them.
But knowing the difference between a yellow jacket and a paper wasp will allow you to either run for your life or stand there and laugh at other folks running for their lives.

Paper Wasps
Antenna color
Yellow/Orange with black (if 1 color, it will be any color other than black)
Entirely black
Really shy kind of insects, the one that needs to be two beers down to tell you how their day went
Not a fan of small talk, have no trouble taking a sip of your soda without asking first.
Leg position when flying
Dangling legs
Keep them close to their body
Longer and thinner
Body grooming
Everynight, no hair on the body
No-Shave November

Now use that knowledge to identify which one is which in the video below.

When you think of 1 insect on the Milkweed plants, one name unanimously pops out of every child, teen and adult. Yes, I am not going to say that name, because today we will be talking about another resident on the milkweed plant.

The Large Milkweed Bug is a bug commonly found on the seed heads of milkweeds. What is fascinating about these creatures is just like their celebrity friends(yes I won't name them yet, they have enough publicity already) they will undergo annual migrations to southern states or Mexico to spend the winter.

These bugs will use their straws or beaks into the seed head and will inject digestive enzymes in the seeds underneath. Then they will slurp it off just like they do with their Piña colada when laying on the beach.

Below is the large milkweed bug flaunting it's beach body to show the result of hitting the gym every night and following a keto diet.

Now that we are talking about milkweeds, ladies and gentlemen I present you the poster child of Butterfly Conservation in North America. Give it up for the "M-OoooooNnnnarch Butterfly"... *crowd applauds and gets up from their seats.

Below it is seen snacking on a purple coneflower.

And finally, why is it a terrible idea to feed the animals you deemed cute in the wild? You see when you feed the wild animals, sure, the allure of Instagram likes is powerful to even make the most disciplined human weak in the knees, or their cute faces just makes you want to cuddle with them and play with them. And then I will dress them and let them play with my dog...Ohh sorry I got distracted.

Where was I? Oh yes, you see when you feed them, you first of all do not know if they have nut or gluten allergies, so that is just plain rude to feed someone without asking for their dietary preferences. Secondly, it makes them see humans as their allies and lose the fear of people. Yes sure, we want to be their allies but more like Batman helping them from the shadows and not like Superman who just wants to be on the front pages of newspapers.

Below is an incident that happened recently, so I was walking by the park and I thought I would eat a granola bar because I am super health conscious and also I had finished my pack of Oreos just 15 mins ago.

Suddenly an Eastern Gray Squirrel popped out of the bushes and confronted me. What started off as a friendly encounter with the squirrel smiling and saying I have a nice smile quickly escalated with it asking for my phone number and abusing me when I refused.

I tried to scare it by showing some of my soccer moves but that still not deter it and it came coming back for more. I had to eventually walk away before one of us got hurt.

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