Hello folks who wonder why air plane seats on an economy class are not yet declared a form of human rights abuse,

Let's talk about tipping for a moment here.

What's going on with the tipping culture in 'Murica. Why is it that even in 2024 the management is still compensating restaurant workers at a measly 5 cents for the entire year and the customers are expected to pay the rent and college tuition of the kids and grandkids of the waitstaff. Why are they forcing Americans to strain their brain muscles to calculate the percentage of the meals as a tip amount when it is clearly evident that the average American is allergic to two things: Math and Pollen.

Which brings me to my next question. Why do we tip at restaurants even if the staff is compensated adequately?

  • We tip the servers or the waitstaff because we do not want them to spit in the dishes we ordered.
  • We tip the bartender so we are not served drinks laced with roofies.
  • We tip the hosts or the hostesses so they do not seat us next to a family with crying/screaming kids.
  • We tip the valet attendants because they saved us from showcasing our poor parking skills to the world.

But there is one position, people never think of tipping.

The dishwashers!

We live in a world where glamor is everywhere. Pollinators are the Victoria's Secret models of the conservation world with the Monarch butterfly being one of the highest-paid. One job in ecology that is similar to a dishwasher at a restaurant that people couldn't care any less, are the scavengers.

Just as dishwashers clean dirty dishes to keep a restaurant running smoothly, scavengers clean up organic debris in their habitats. One such specimen that I ran into recently is the water scavenger beetle.

Just how Gen Z feels uncomfortable outside of scrolling through TikTok, or a fish struggles when taken out of water, these water beetles are awkward and out of their element when they are not submerged in their aquatic habitat. In their natural underwater environment, they move with grace and purpose, but on land, they become clumsy and ill-adapted, highlighting how specialized they are for life beneath the surface.

Such diving is made possible by several body adaptations. The first is having long, fringed hairs on their legs which increase the surface area and allow for powerful strokes.

The second is their streamlined body shape that allows them to reduce water resistance and allows efficient mobility.

Unlike you and me, insects do not breathe through their mouth or noses. I know it is heartbreaking, I was devastated the first time I found that out too. Instead they breathe much more passively by tiny holes called spiracles on the side of their body that resemble a bullet hole in a car.

When they dive in the water, they will trap air under their bodies that will act like a physical gill and help diffuse oxygen from the water to the air bubble and into these spiracles while getting rid of carbon dioxide. This helps the beetle stay underwater for extended periods of time. Observe the air bubble under the body of the water scavenger beetle.

Also, in the future I'll have to be more careful with the choice of words I use in my blog.

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