Hello folks who wonder if spending time in the wave pool gives you all the skills needed for surviving at sea,

I know a lot of you have questions about my absence and whether I relapsed on my Fentanyl sobriety. No, I have not experienced a relapse. Thank you for asking. I just take a pinch of tranq with my coffee now.

Life happened. Just as I had my spirits high, a news came along my way that sent my world crashing. Whether you read the news or not, you've got to know that the singular event with which the entire world is reeling right now is the headlines of Britney Spears' divorce. ðŸ˜­ðŸ˜­ðŸ˜­

Will she ever find true love, I ask you? After brooding for 2 weeks over this, I got distracted by a collection of eggs on the underside of a leaf. These eggs were laid by the Salt Marsh Moth. I spoke about their fascinating mating ritual in my post titled "Let's talk about the birds and the moths". And since we usually examine things up close, let's take a look at how those eggs appeared from space for the very first time.

Fascinating, isn't it? Now, let's look at how they looked from eye level.

At this point if you felt uneasy or had discomfort, and you said "Thank you but I prefer to spend my time by watching other people on YouTube review Cinnabon menu items", you would miss out on something spectacular, one that very few people on this planet get to experience. When I put this cluster of eggs under the microscope, their true beauty started to emerge.

Since there isn't anything exciting to watch on Netflix, and I've learned all the life hacks there are from TikTok, I decided to check on the eggs every day. These eggs take around 4-5 days to hatch, and since I wasn't invited to any birthday parties, this is how I ended up passing the time. By Day 4, most of the eggs had transitioned from their original creamish-yellow color to a darker bluish shade.

In the case of insects, where only a small fraction of the offspring eventually mature to reproduce, maximizing the odds of survival becomes paramount. Simultaneous hatching can overwhelm predators and significantly improve the likelihood of success. Despite these evident benefits, skeptics remain unconvinced.

Among these eggs, these skeptics maintain their original color and consequently struggle to keep up with their siblings' progress. For these individuals, we will provide participation trophies once they do manage to hatch.

WAIT! Did you see that?

That was the most exciting thing I've seen all day. Did you catch it? By now you can probably tell why I don't have a lot of friends based on what captures my interest. Now, let's speed up the video to see what I am talking about.

The movement within the eggs was like my 'I just felt the baby kick' moment. I knew their hatching was imminent, so I told my work I had a dental appointment in order to capture the moment when these babies hatch. And after just a few hours, it happened.

Some babies were go-getters and some took their own sweet time to get out. They only need to chew a hole large enough for them to squeeze out.

Just as it is challenging for me to put on my pants after the holiday season, it is no easy feat for them to make their way out. Taking breaks is advisable in both cases.

Here is a caterpillar stretching its 'arms,' seemingly asking for help to get out. Sorry, buddy, with this attitude, you wouldn't last a single day at a CrossFit gym. Even though I felt bad, I had to show tough love.

And just like that, they started demanding Lucky Charms cereal for breakfast and my Wi-Fi password so they could set up their TikTok accounts. What a way to show gratitude, those little brats. Pffft!

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