Hello folks who wonder if one is supposed to look up Amazon reviews before buying a book if we are not supposed to judge a book by its cover,

Lately, there is a lot of chatter on the internet about awakening the third eye in humans. For what? I asked. "So that you can get more mental clarity, strengthened intuition and increased decisiveness." How will that help me? I questioned.

"Dummy, you will no longer have to rely on Google.com to find out which shows to watch on Netflix". I am sold!  Having said that, I quickly logged into Amazon.com to spend my entire paycheck on purchasing a bunch of essential oils, incense sticks, crystals, scented candles and smudge sticks. Since then, I have completed watching all the episodes of Hype House.

So, I think it is working swimmingly.

Recently while weeding at a volunteer event, I was able to get a hold of this juvenile Western Fence Lizard.

This is cute and all, but that would be missing the point. These fence lizards have an extra eye in addition to the two eyes on the sides of its head. The third eye or the "parietal" eye as referred to by dorks, allows the lizards to track the sun and aid in navigation. Since it allows the lizard to sense light and darkness, covering the parietal eye with an opaque paint can throw off its circadian rhythm similar to the humans after the first weekend in November. And yes, it also helps them watch the best shows on Netflix without buying things off Amazon.

Over the weekend, I was invited to a festival that highlighted the plight of our creeks. I was hosting a table highlighting the various creatures found in our creek. Since this was a BYOC (Bring your own creatures) event, I went creek creature shopping earlier in the day. That is when I spotted this beauty.

The Red Swamp Crayfish is a Louisiana native crawfish that has made itself at home in California's freshwater habitats. This specimen was special because as soon as I turned it over, it revealed what it was hiding from me and the rest of society.


Yes, that's right. It is carrying its young under her abdominal appendages. These babies will stay with the mom for a couple of weeks before venturing out in the wild on their own and get their separate Netflix subscription instead of sharing the family account.

And this is how the baby looked when I walked over and asked if you want some candy. It initially refused saying that its mom asked it to not accept candies from strangers, but then I convinced it that it was Halloween that day. "Can I get the Reese's Peanut butter Cups please?" it pleaded. See its pinchers getting all restless trying to get that candy.. Kids will be kids.

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