Hello folks who wonder if Goodwill and other thrift stores are just foster care for clothes,

What is something that feels so good that it can actually make you addicted to it, makes you gain weight, increases your risk of dying earlier in life but just one bite and you get a taste of something that was intended for angels to eat?

Junk food.

Love it or hate it, we are always surrounded by it. Constantly being advertised to coax us to spend our next dollar to get our junk food fix.
Now, there are several groups that are vocal about how terrible it is for your health and are constantly advocating us to eat fresh fruits and vegetables. But no one will fight it on the grounds of how bad it tastes, because those who say that are the same people who will stab you in the back.
Just look at this Western Gull conveniently indulging in french fries but getting offended when it spots a piece of locally sourced tomato. So whenever someone comes and asks you to eat healthy, tell them that you learnt to eat junk food from nature.

Before computer mice made the sound of clicks cool enough to discuss among the masses, there was one type of beetle that pioneered that sound.
Introducing click beetles. Now they might look like a run of the mill beetle, but click beetles are certainly unique.
One moment of interaction is all you need to fall in love with these beetles.
This is how they look up close, nothing to write home about right?

You see, click beetles can move their head separately from the rest of the body which makes them look like a gym freak as compared to other beetles since it can do crunches(or at least attempt to).
Below is one showing the hinge mechanism between the head and the rest of the body.

You see this hinge mechanism allows it to jump without using its legs. Especially when it is flipped on its back, it will snap back the head with the rest of the body thus releasing the stored elastic energy and launching it in the air and making a distinct clicking sound. It also uses this mechanism to get away from predators since they can jump up to 8 inches in the air.

And below is a video of how the clicks sound like.

Do you sometimes get the feeling that people are judging you when you are dining all by yourself. Well, you are not alone, because American White Pelicans face the same dilemma as well. They constantly feel judged by society for its long bills and wingspans while dining alone. So when it discussed this problem with its therapist, the therapist suggested it to form a support group of like billed individuals so they can dine together without society judging them. And then, once they are done, they fly away without even asking for each other's Instagram handles.

American White Pelicans will demonstrate a behavior called cooperative feeding where they each will surround a school of fish and once they have blocked all escape routes, they will start engulfing the fishes just like a bunch of drunk college students wolfing down a greasy pizza. In the end, every pelican will walk away with a full stomach and something to bitch out when it meets its friends about how clumsy the pelican besides it was at the dinner table.

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