Hello folks who wonder if future generations won't give credibility to your past achievements unless you have a selfie to prove them wrong,

Have you ever seen folks walking down the trail spotting a wriggling critter on the ground and casually mentioning that it is a millipede to their friends, so you sprint those 10 feet and sarcastically ask them if they counted the number of legs that fast?
Me neither.

The difference between Centipedes and Millipedes is not just based on the number of feet but their professions as well.
Millipedes are the sanitation workers on the ground and will be commonly found under leaf litter scavenging on dead plant material. No millipede has been recorded with 1000 legs, or maybe the scientists were just lazy enough to count all the way.
So how do you tell it is a millipede?
You see, their body is divided into different segments, if there are 2 pair of legs(or 4 legs) for each segment, it is a millipede.

Below is a millipede showing its waxed legs and claiming it is ready for the upcoming summer. Also observe the 2 pair of legs for each segment.

On the other hand, Centipedes are ferocious predators roaming the forest floor just like the parking enforcement officers ready to pounce on any innocent car parked 5 minutes over the allowed limit. But I was just around the corner, I said. Sigh!

Centipedes will roam around looking for a juicy meal and when they stumble upon one by sensing it with their antenna they will inject the paralytic venom in their victims before devouring it. Centipedes have a reputation of trying to bring down prey much larger in size than themselves and qualifying for the 100m olympic sprint every time, this earns them the privilege of being left alone.
These centipedes unlike the millipedes have a single pair of legs(or 2 legs) per body segment.

Below is a centipede showing its pair of legs per body segment and the modified legs that act as pinchers used to inject venom.

Who do you think is responsible for the production of more than half of the oxygen that living beings use for respiration?
Naturally, the first answer people can think of is the succulent plants at work or in our homes. Sure they are cute and cuddly, but that is a lot of responsibility to take for these delicate creatures.
The answer it turns out is something even tinier if not cuter.

Diatoms are algae that get paid to spend their entire lives drifting in the oceans, lakes, rivers and other waterways. Imagine if you were going to be paid for just lying on a raft in a lazy river for you entire life, that is what diatoms feel.
Then why don't they get fired from their jobs citing poor performance. Turns out these single celled algae contain chlorophyll that they use to take in carbon dioxide and make sugar for themselves and oxygen for other folks through photosynthesis. All this is enclosed in a silica shell as if a plant leaf was enclosed in glass box.
But how does that help us you ask? So we can drive more gas guzzling vehicles during our commute to work and get frustrated with the traffic that seems to get worse every passing day.
Below is a diatom floating around, if you observe carefully you will see the golden brown color enclosed in the glass structure. This is because of a pigment called carotenoid which can give it various colors.

Because the greatness of something or someone is measured in how they help others not only when they are alive but also after they die. The diatoms take the cake in this segment as well.

Let's say you have an insect infestation in your home or garden so you ask around and you hear people swearing by Diatomaceous earth.
So you buy the largest pack there is out there and wonder how will that help solve all your woes.

Diatomaceous earth is made of the glass bodies of diatoms minus the chlorophyll. When an insect comes across these fine glass shards, they stick to their exoskeleton and absorb their sunscreen and moisturizing creams making them prone to desiccation.
Since these glass edges are sharp enough, they might inflict damage to their armor speeding up the desiccation process.
Below is a process on how it works.

A closer look at the diatomaceous earth shows the microscopic broken glass pieces.

What does that teach us? That smallest things can make the biggest differences in the world, and why it is so important to concentrate on the smaller things in life like getting angry at Starbucks because you wanted 1% almond milk, not 2% almond milk with your coffee or why you cannot be productive in life because the TikTok app keeps crashing after the new update.

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